Welcome to the Thinon lab

Chemical Biology of membrane proteins

The Thinon lab is a young chemical biology research group at the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology  (IECB). We are affilitated to the  Institute of Chemistry and Biology of Membranes and Nano-objects (CBMN, CNRS UMR5248 / INP/ University of Bordeaux). 

Our group endeavours to develop and/or apply a combination of chemical and biological approaches to facilitate the study of small membrane proteins.

Our research is based on a multidisciplinary approach, involving chemical and peptide synthesis, proteomics, cell biology, and biochemistry.


Please find here  more details about our research at the interface between chemistry and biology


Our latest news 

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July 2023

Santiago Leiva joined the lab as a postdoctoral researcher

June 2023

Laetitia Varajao and Alice Delhaes successfully defended their Master thesis!

January 2023

Laetitia Varajao and Alice Delhaes, two M2 students joined the lab!

April 2022

We've just moved to our new lab space at IECB!